Τετάρτη 10 Ιουλίου 2019

Dissemination of the project from 2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis

The dissemination of our project which took place in various ways, was embraced by a broad public which offered us nice comments and will for further information.

Inspirations of 2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis

The pupils of the 2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis offer their INSPIRATIONS to their eTwinning partners! Artistic works based on the partners' flags colours which were sent by post.

3rd Kindergarten of Psachna-Evia-Greece
Animated travel map across the partner schools 
The map created with Pictramap in collaboration of all partners
Video  made by Stavroula Tsichli

image made with Canva.com

image made with Googlemaps Satelite and Paint of Windows

image made with mapchart.net

Τετάρτη 3 Ιουλίου 2019

3rd Kindergarten of PsachnaThe pupils evaluated the project in Google forms questions.

-Did they liked it?😍 Or not?👎
-What did they like the most?💗
-Do they want to take part in another eTwinning project?👥

Δευτέρα 17 Ιουνίου 2019

3rd Kindergarten of Psachna
Our contribution to the partners presentations

For the partner school in Sulmona, ITALY, which presented a frescoe with lemon trees from Pompei,
 we created Lemon Trees using various techniques

Δευτέρα 10 Ιουνίου 2019

2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis - our PARTNERS' FLAGS

We created the FLAGS of our partners' by using various ARTistic ways! We hope you'll enJOY it!

After that, we created the INSPIRATIONS, various ARTistic works which send them to our partners by post, based on the colours of our partners' flags. It was a challenge for us to use just a few colours and we enJOYed it!

Our INSPIRATIONS' collage!

Σάββατο 8 Ιουνίου 2019

We named "INSPIRATIONS" the pupils Artworks, made with the colours of the receiver-partner's flag. We exchanged them by post.
A final pesentation of the collaborative activity 

Σάββατο 25 Μαΐου 2019

sent and received many ART WORKS made by the pupils with the colours
of each partner's FLAG, to show our FRIENDSHIP!
We named these Artworks "INSPIRATIONS"

Τρίτη 14 Μαΐου 2019

Ancient Art
3rd kindergarten Psachnon-3o Nηπιαγωγείο Ψαχνών
The pupils of our eTwinning team presented to the partners a Greek Ancient Painting,
by the painter Leagros, that shows "Europe on the Bull",the disguised god Zeus.The painting was made with the black figured technique on an ancient greek vase, named lekythos. We made an expansion presenting the greek Myth of Europe creating relevant artworks.That's the video...

As a part of  the collaboration with the partner schools we asked them for creating artworks related to "Europe on the Bull" ancient painting, using various techniques.
Here are the results in an e-book, including our artworks!

We have recorded the pupils saying the name "Europe" in all partners' languages.
Click on "Listen" button.

ANCIENT ART-Cycladic Idols (heads) from all partners

The pupils of the 2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis are presenting you the final collaborative work on cycladic idols (cycladic head) from all dearTwinning  partners of this project, based on ANCIENT ART! Just follow the link, browse the pages and...enjoy!


Sunday 12th of May 2019! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY

A small video full of love from the children of the 2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis, which is dedicated to all eTwinning mothers of the pupils of this project....and not only!

eTwinning pupils of 2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis

The eTwinning pupils of the 2nd Kindergarten  N. Artakis, through their paintings!

Games & puzzles based on our collaborative work

Games from the 2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis
Many different games, based on the collaborative work on contemporary art, among the eTwinning partners. All you have to do is to follow the link and enjoy the game!

  1. A memory game:https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pnxzdeooa19
  2. Fit the correct pictures on the right markers: https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pb80kqesc19
  3. Select the correct flag with its country:https://learningapps.org/watch?v=p1bd7fr8c19
  4. Puzzles, based on the partners collaborative work on Cycladic Idols:https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=244ac0bcbea1
  5. Cycladic Heads: https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=201bbe4f9cc0

Hercules' labours from the pupils of the 2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis

Hercules: two of his labours, based on greek vessels (530 BC)
The children of the 2nd Kindergarten N. Artakis are reproducing "Nemean Lion" & "Stymphalian birds" in different artistic ways.

Τετάρτη 1 Μαΐου 2019

NATURE is an ARTist

  is the title of a page in our TWINSPACE that hosts photos/videos taken by the members of the project, pupils, teachers, parents, visitors.

There is, also, a public Padlet that everyone can visit and upload his/her natural & artistic photos/videos. Would you like to enrich it?

Δευτέρα 29 Απριλίου 2019

3rd kindergarten of Psachna

The pupils inspired by the myths about Hercules we read in the class, by the pictures of the book, the scenes from a relevant video for kids, by 2 statues of infant Hercules and an ancient painting on a vase-stamnos.( STATUE 1: Infant Hercules found at the west part of the Acropolis of Athens,marble STATUE 2: Heracles as a boy strangling a snake (marble, Roman artwork, 2nd century CE). Capitoline Museums in Rome,Italy, PAINTING: Heracles strangling snakes (detail from an Attic red-figured stamnos, c. 480–470 BCE)-Louvre)
The 3 groups decided what kind of artwork to create, each one, so as to present it to the partner schools. Would you like to watch our video?

HAPPY EASTER holidays to all!!!

Δευτέρα 22 Απριλίου 2019

The Project's LOGO

The three transanational groups made 3 different paintings-logos using the Paint program of the Microsoft Office.Then, the pupils voted in the Twinspace forum if they like their teachers to vote for the project's logo. They decided, yes!So, all the pupils & the teachers voted as shown below:

And the winning logo is:

Κυριακή 14 Απριλίου 2019


After voting, among all the pupils and the teachers, about the names of the 3 transnational groups in which each class will be divided we announced their names by the poster below:  

The classes, which proposed the winning names, created, as an award, the logos of the 3 transnational groups.Here you are!

The Logo of the "COLOURFUL KIDS" Group

The Logo of the "BRIGHT COLOURS" Group

The Logo of the "PINK CLOUD" Group

Δευτέρα 11 Μαρτίου 2019

The eTwinning project "Join in ART, enJOY yourself!" started in November 1st, 2018.
Participating countries: Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Turkey.

Participating schools
  1. 3ο Νηπιαγωγείο Ψαχνών-3rd Kindergarten Psachnon,Psachna,Evia,GREECE
  2. 2o Νηπιαγωγείο Ν.Αρτάκης-2nd Kindergarten N.Artakis,N.Artaki,Evia,GREECE
  3. 1ο Νηπιαγωγείο Ν.Αρτάκης-1st Kindergarten N.Artakis.N.Artaki,Evia,GREECE
  4. ICS "G. Lombardo Radice-Ovidio" di Sulmona,ITALY
  5. FEDAC Salt,Salt,Catalunya,SPAIN
  6. 2nd Kindergarten of Efkarpia,Class 1, Efkarpia,Thessaloniki,GREECE
  7. Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, Maia, PORTUGAL
  8. CEIP Marismas del Tinto,San Juan del Puerto, SPAIN
  10. Agrupamento de Escolas da Mealhada,Mealhada,PORTUGAL
  11. 3oΔημοτικόΣχολείοΨαχνών-3rdPrimarySchoolPsachnon,Psachna,Evia,GREECE
  13. ZŠ Komenskeho Namestovo,Namestovo,SLOVAKIA
  14. 1ο Νηπιαγωγείο Χαλκίδας-1st Kindergarten Chalkidas,Chalkida,Evia, GREECE